The systems in which leaders are called upon to lead today are deeply and unpredictably complex.
The Mindful Leader Programme helps leaders to cultivate the skills of mindful leadership. On it, we teach a number of different mindfulness practices and link these to the ideas and practices behind mindful leadership.
The course is highly experiential and interactive and participants need to come to it willing to engage in up to 20-minutes of home-practice each day.
What is the format?
- 4 x fortnightly sessions of 3-hours each.
- an optional 60-minute introductory session that allows potential participants to get a sense of what the course consists in and how to get the most from it
- Virtual or face-to-face
- Experiential and interactive
- Ideally between 8 and 12 participants
- We provide downloadable audio materials to support home practice.
Who is it for?
- For anyone in a leadership position.
What will they learn?
- They will learn to manage themselves and others more effectively.
- They will learn methods that have been shown to build their capacities for focus and empathy; for managing their emotions and empathising with others; for trying out new perspectives and adapting to changing circumstances.
What do people say about it?
“In terms of resilience, it’s helped me personally – it does help my stress – you become aware of what your body’s doing at any one moment, and that’s very much a product of what’s going on in your thoughts and your emotional reactions to those.”
“I’m more fully present: bringing all of myself to any interaction. People at work have noticed that we have had richer conversations that have felt more human. I feel there’s been more connection, that’s what it is: moe connection with people.”
“Previously I would have shied away from complexity. Now I approach problems – after taking a deep breath or 3! – with openness and curiosity. I approach problems or issues, rather than running away from them or ignoring them.”
“I had that kind of conscious decision of, rather than letting it all crash around me, ‘well everything can wait, get it back into perspective’.”
“I am less stressed by not having immediate solutions…better able to reflect and wait for the solution to arise.”
“I talk at a thousand miles an hour, I have an agenda that is thirty points long, and I have been exhausting to be around when we’ve got a lot to do. I’ve really made a conscious effort to slow down, and take the time to, not so much just focus on the task, but recognise there’s a person in front of me, and they’re having their own experience.”
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