1:1 Mindfulness-Based Coaching

These are customised mindfulness training sessions for one person at a time, personally guided by a highly qualified mindfulness coach.

We have led 1:1 Mindfulness-Based Coaching in various contexts: sometimes as a form of Return to Work training, sometimes to help senior people deal better with the stressors they face day-to-day in their work.

What is the format?

As the work is delivered 1:1, there is the luxury of being able to fit it in to suit the individual and their needs. The coaching can be delivered virtually or face-to-face in a variety of formats:

  • An 8-week guided mindfulness training course. 
    • 8 x 75-minute sessions at weekly intervals.
    • 4 x 3 hour sessions at fortnightly intervals
  • An open-ended guided mindfulness training 

Who is it for?

  • For anyone at work.

What will they learn?

  • Our research suggests that when people at work learn and practice mindfulness over two months they develop capacities that enable them better to focus, to regulate their emotions, the experiment with different perspectives, to adapt to change and to empathise more readily. 
  • These qualities in turn enable people to collaborate better, to be more resilient and be more agile in the face of complexity.

What do people say about it?

“This training changed my life. In fact, it might not be an exaggeration to say that it saved my life.”

    Enquire about this course

    Contact us today to learn more about our services and book an online or face-to-face meeting.

    Back to what we do


    For nearly two decades we have helped people at work to become more aware of themselves, others and the systems they find themselves in. That lets them make wiser choices about how they apply their energies and how they show-up at work. That has led to more engaged, effective, and happier people.


    Who We Are

    We are teachers, coaches and consultants; authors and researchers; TED-Ex speakers, parents and dog-owners. Mostly all at the same time. We are united in our deep wish to help people thrive - wherever they are, however we can.

    Who We Are

    It Is Time to Begin

    We would love to hear what you are what looking for and to see how we can help. Do get in touch.