Mindful Leader Research Report


Now as perhaps never before leaders of teams and organizations need to be resilient. As hierarchies are challenged, and because no one person has all the answers to the complex challenges we face every day, they must also be able to collaborate well. And in the complex, volatile, uncertain conditions of organizational life today they must stay agile, focussed and flexible.

Might an Mindful Leader training course impact leaders’ capacities to be resilient, to collaborate and be agile in the face of complexity and uncertainty?

Michael Chaskalson, Megan Reitz and colleagues at Hult Ashridge Executive Education set out to find the answers to those questions.

The evidence suggests that the program was effective in developing these capacities, with the effect being reliant on the extent of home practice undertaken. Those who practiced more experienced improved agility, perspective taking, emotional control and empathy. More specifically, those who practiced formal mindfulness meditations for ten minutes or more per day over the eight-week period that the program ran were significantly more likely to experience an increase in their resilience and their overall mindfulness.

Read the full research report here.


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