Compassionate leadership is far from sentimental. Rather, it is intensely reality-focussed. It involves paying attention to the humanity of the people you lead and actively seeking what is best: for them, for you, for the systems in which you all live and work.
Compassionate leadership calls for deep levels of listening, of understanding and empathising and being willing to help.
That enables the kinds of performance management and other tough conversations that are often called for. Compassionate leaders leave their people feeling they have been taken into account: that their contribution, or potential contribution, is valued, that they are seen as real human beings.
When people know that they are seen, heard and respected they are much more willing to give of their best. Compassionate leaders are more likely to lead willing, engaged teams.
The Compassionate Leadership programme helps leaders to cultivate the skills of compassionate leadership. On it, we teach a number of different mindfulness practices and link these to the ideas and practices behind mindful leadership.
The course is highly experiential and interactive and participants need to come to it willing to engage in up to 20-minutes of home-practice each day.
What is the format?
- 3 x fortnightly sessions of 2-hours each.
- a follow up session of 2 hours after 12 weeks to loop back and explore any shifts leaders have witnessed in themselves and others in the time between
- an optional 60-minute introductory session that allows potential participants to get a sense of what the course consists in and how to get the most from it
- Virtual or face-to-face
- Experiential and interactive
- Ideally between 8 and 12 participants
- We provide downloadable audio materials to support home practice.
Who is it for?
- For anyone in a leadership position.
What will they learn?
- They will learn how compassion can impact their ability to lead others
- They will learn methods that have been shown to build their capacities for self-compassion as well as compassion for others.
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